Wednesday, February 08, 2006

US - Muhammad cartoons and media hypocrisy

Michelle has the story complete with video.

This is spot on:

CNN has shown no courage. It claims it won't publish the cartoons because they're offensive. But they have published previous cartoons that are offensive. The fact is, they're frightened. The fact is, that this kind of religious and intellectual terrorism is working. It is persuading journalists who would otherwise cover this story with the cartoons to back away--not on ideological reasons or not for reasons of protecting or preserving integrity or anything of that kind, but out of physical and economic fear. This is economic, physical terrorism directed at journalists and it is working. They have succeeded in the United States. They have failed in parts of Europe, but they have succeeded in the United States.

...When the burning down of embassies and the fear of fatwas and physical and economic retaliation are what determines the policy, it means that the terrorists have won. And the United States and other European countries have a policy: Never give in to terrorism. Well, they're now giving in to terrorism by not publishing these cartoons--not because they're offensive, they publish plenty of offensive cartoons, but because they are frightened and because they lack the courage to confront this kind of terrorist threat.

Watch the video.

And note the New York Times while claiming it won't run the Muahmmad cartoons so as not to offend Muslims, re-runs a cartoon from 7 years ago of the Virgin Mary dung picture.

It's ok to offend the rest of the entire world but not Muslims, oh no, not Muslims. Bullshit!

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Brain Bliss