Sunday, June 20, 2010

Obama hits golf course with Biden while the gulf dies

Can't get more out of touch than that.

President Barack Obama hit the golf course Saturday with Vice President Joe Biden.

The White House pool report noted that Obama left at about 1 p.m. for the course at Andrews Air Force base, and his golfing parters included White House Trip Director Marvin Nicholson and David Katz, the energy efficiency campaign manager at the Department of Energy.

Obama left the course shortly before 6 p.m.

Or can you?

Gulf residents outraged by BP CEO's yacht outing

VENICE, La. (AP) - Just when it seemed Gulf residents couldn't get any more outraged about the massive oil spill fouling their coastline, word came Saturday that BP's CEO was taking time off to attend a glitzy yacht race in England.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's wrong to chastise him. First of all, the world doesn't stop for everyone, and a man in his position has many things to do. You can't fault him without taking things into context, none of which we get. Secondly, he's been relieved, or partially relieved. Third, do you think he should be spending 24/7 on the spill site/s? Which one? Doing what, since Obama seems determined not to let anyone clean anything up. I'm sure they want him out at the hole, or in that meeting, since he's so qualified and all. I'm thinking a boat race was a good place to go. Because it qualifies as "away".


Brain Bliss