Monday, November 29, 2004

BBC continues pro terrorist propaganda

Look at this BBC headline,

Israelis kill three Palestinians

How does it make you feel? Angry? Repulsed?

What did you think? Damn Israelis killing innocent Palestinians again? Why doesn't someone do something to stop the murdering Israelis?

That's what the BBC want you to feel and think.

The BBC hopes you are like most people, too busy getting on with your life to stop and read the article. The headline is all you need to know. "Israelis kill three Palestinians", now move along, just more of the same from murdering Israelis, move along now.

Hang on just a damn minute here. Just who was killed.

Not until the sixth paragraph of the story are we told,

Correspondents identified the two dead in Hebron as members of the Hamas militant organisation.

[make that "terrorist organisation" ed]

Witnesses said one of them was a local Hamas chief called Murad Qawasmeh.

The correct headline should be something like "Palestinian terrorist leader killed"?

It's not just Palestinian terrorists the BBC support, heck no, al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq get the backing of the BBC as well.

Aid reaches Falluja's citizens - truth escapes BBC

Here is an article exposing the BBC's rigged anti-American poll and using a well known anti-war activist as a source for reporting in Falluja in April 2004.

After I emailed my complaint over the Falluja story the BBC retracted it and wrote me an apology. The BBC should have posted an apology on the BBC website. How many people still believe the bogus BBC story?

As always, the BBC online complaint form is on the left. Use it often, I do.

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Brain Bliss