Sunday, December 19, 2004

Iraqis Face Winter Shivering

Al Reuters blames America, but of course.

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - As if the daily struggle to dodge bullets and bombings is not enough, many Iraqis now face a freezing winter shivering by candlelight as persistent attacks keep the power out for more than 12 hours a day.

"Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) used to cut off the electricity for a couple of hours a day and we'd complain," said Fadia Karim, 33.

"Now there's no power for hours and hours every day. There's no fuel for the generators, no kerosene for the heaters. People are beyond complaining. Things are just getting worse."

Sounds almost as if they miss the good ole dictator and his sons, doesn't it?

So, just why do the Iraqis suffer these persistent attacks?

Blasts pepper Iraq oil network after Al-Qaeda sabotage call.

Oh, that's right, the devil, er bin Laden, told them to do it.

But wait, what's this buried mid way in the article?

Twenty-one months after Washington launched its war with the promise of a brighter future, Iraq (news - web sites) produces 4,100 megawatts of electricity, a little below prewar levels and about half the country's surging domestic demand.

Get that? America has not delivered on its' "promise of a brighter future".

Hang on just one minute here Al Reuters!

So, the electricity levels are just "a little below prewar levels"! Just why are there shortages again?

Turns out some of the shortages are due to "the country's surging domestic demand". Translation, as the Iraqis get more and more prosperous they are buying more and more electrical goods such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and TVs.

We are reading an article from Al Reuters, remember?

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Brain Bliss