Monday, December 13, 2004

Unholy Alliance - the Left and Islam

Powerline posted yesterday about the left's embrace of radical Islam and reccomended David Horowitz's latest book Unholy Alliance.

Powerline also noted the extent to which Osama bin Laden's pre-election message seemed to mirror the left's talking points.

That Liberal Media points to an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that illustrates how the liberal press works with the left to defend terrorists.

Here is just a sample, be sure to read the whole thing including the comments readers sent to the paper.

Rick Steves is well known nationally as a European travel guru; he is known in his hometown as the guy who argued that the city of Edmonds, WA take down US flags, raised in support of our troops being sent overseas to Iraq.

He filled in last Saturday for David Horsey in the "Burning Questions" forum of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, asking: Can we fight terrorism constructively? It appears he really meant: "Can we capitulate and hope they won't hurt us?"

My comments are ennumerated:

On Sept. 11, 2001, the World Trade Center towers collapsed and angry clouds of dust chased U.S. citizens through the streets of New York City. The world was outraged.

1. They just "collapsed"? The clouds were angry, and hunted down US citizens? I can just imagine your description of Pearl Harbor: "A boat sank and angry water drowned sailors." Too few in the world were 'outraged,' really. Some of them were even jubilant.

And the United States was outraged. So much so that-- three long years later-- many Americans still refuse to even dignify the attack by asking, "Why did they do it?"

2. How dare they refuse to dignify the attack!!

I said the recent US elections were not just about defeating John Kerry, they were about defeating the left, once and for all. This article shows why the left, the Democrats and the liberal press are truly on their way out and rightfully so.

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Brain Bliss