Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Bush fake Turkey myth still fooling MSM

Some in the MSM have criticized bloggers for lack of fact checking and claim they are the true keepers of the truth. How is it then they keep spreading the myth that the turkey Bush served to the troops in Iraq was fake. It wasn't, it was real. But just like a dog that won't let go of an old shoe, so MSM won't let this myth go.

Just like the Democrats want to keep counting votes reminds me of Gollum searching for his "precious".

Tim Blair points out two recent "fact checkers" who need their facts checked.

It's the bird that keeps on giving! Add Washington Dispatch to the list of plastic turkey morons:

While troops celebrated Thanksgiving this year, in a country that is much more dangerous than it was in 2003, President Bush bypassed an official visit on the occasion and instead opted for a safe, long-distance phone call. In 2003 the president visited the troops in Iraq and served a plastic turkey prop in a surprise dinner for pro-Bush soldiers.

We're now in Year Two of global fake turkey stupidity. They ain't never letting this baby go.


Joel Stein [LA Times] is the latest to fall for the fake turkey fable:

"Reality" was always a misnomer for shows that involve Donald Trump or people on desert islands. But these shows purporting to be unadulterated documentaries are unreal in a more obvious way: They are secretly crafted in advance by writers. And I've got the entertainment equivalent of the Pentagon Papers to prove it. Maybe more like the equivalent of the photo with President Bush holding the fake Thanksgiving turkey in Iraq, but still, they are definitely papers.

Tim even has a looooong list of the fact checkers who were taken in by this myth.

The New York Times, one of the fact checkers, posted a correction one week after the story ran. Which is why corrections should appear on the front pages and not buried inside.

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Brain Bliss