Friday, April 29, 2005

Britain - Muslim Vote a Means to an End

Anas Altikriti, a national spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, writes about the Muslim vote in Britain.

There have been attempts in recent weeks by small groups of extremists to intimidate Muslims into staying at home next Thursday, arguing that it is somehow "unIslamic" to vote in the general election. They have disrupted meetings in London and Luton, but with little effect. The vast majority of Muslim organisations and authorities regard their claims as utterly wrong: far from being unIslamic, it is the duty of Muslims to vote, and the Muslim community remains adamant that it will leave its stamp on the election this time round.

Notice how Altikriti avoids calling the extremists, Muslim extremists. And I think Galloway would disagree with the "but with little effect" observation.

Muslim authorities may regard voting as a duty of Muslims but they claim western democracy incompatible with Sharia law. This from a commenter:

Late last night Channel 4 had a programme called "Shariah TV" (maybe a regular prog, but not seen/noticed before last night).

A panel of learned Muslims were questioned by young UK Muslims.

Is western democracy incompatible with Sharia law? Yes.
Should sharia law be introduced in the UK? Yes.
Do we want the restoration of the Caliphate? Yes.

And as Front Page points out:

Democracy implies equality. But equality is unacceptable in Islam. Un-believers cannot be equal to believers and women are not equal to men. Even the non-Muslims are not deemed to be equal. The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) are accepted as second class citizens and allowed to live in an Islamic state provided they pay the protection tax; Jizyah. But the pagans, atheists and idolaters are not regarded as fully humans. According to the Quran, the idolaters are to be killed wherever they are found. (9:5)

So, how does Altikriti feel about the state of British democracy?

Britain is suffering from a lack of viable political options, just as the US suffered from the lack of a credible opponent to George Bush . More and more often, the British people are having to settle for the best of the worst.

British Muslims are playing their part in correcting this fault. Next week they will vote for those who responded to their challenge: if you want our votes, work for them. Once British people issue that challenge to all politicians, then we will no longer be forced to settle for the slightly better of the evils.

Got that? Bush won, not because Americans backed his policies - overwhelmingly -, but because there was not a "credible opponent".

Never fear. British Muslims are doing their part to fix things while the British people do nothing. The distinction Altikriti makes between "British Muslims" and "British people" is telling. And notice how Altikriti thinks all British politicians are the worst and evil? You see? Us unbelievers are not equal to Muslims.

Altikriti and the Muslim Association of Britain see voting as a means to elect Muslim friendly politicians, begin the introduction of Islamic law and turn Britain into an Islamic state.

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Brain Bliss