Monday, April 11, 2005

Middle East - Democracy Is Effective

The Bellmont Club has an interesting article on why "...the democratization strategy has proved so effective against terror in the Middle East."

The coming of democracy, for most Imams, means that the influence of the mosque will diminish in the lives of most Muslims in the same way that the influence of the Church has diminished in the lives of westerners. For Islamists, the installation of Democracy in the middle of the Arabian peninsula was immediatley recognized as a fight for the life of Islam. The fight to save Iraq from Democracy immediately rose to the very top of the lists of Jihads that must be fought for Islam. Blowing up some Americans in America would be pointless if Iraq were lost.

Lose they did and they continue to lose.

There is evidence that Imams do indeed fear "The coming of democracy, for most Imams, means that the influence of the mosque will diminish..." A commenter to my earlier post about Muslim race riots in France, noted this:

Late last night Channel 4 had a programme called "Shariah TV" (maybe a regular prog, but not seen/noticed before last night).

A panel of learned Muslims were questioned by young UK Muslims.

Is western democracy incompatible with Sharia law? Yes.

Should sharia law be introduced in the UK? Yes.

Do we want the restoration of the Caliphate? Yes.

Irene of The Adventuress noted this:

Sharia TV has been on UK television for quite awhile. More than a year I think.

It's good that non-Muslims are finally starting to notice it, and recognize the dangers that sharia poses for them.

Too late, Irene. Britain is already adopting Sharia law.

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Brain Bliss