Monday, April 18, 2005

Fox News feared By The Left

William Raspberry writes this embarrassing article in the Washington Post. It never ceases to amaze me how lefties ignore reality.

The in-your-face right-wing partisanship that marks Fox News Channel's news broadcasts is having two dangerous effects.

The first is that the popularity of the approach -- Fox is clobbering its direct competition (CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, etc.) -- leads other cable broadcasters to mimic it, which in turn debases the quality of the news available to that segment of the TV audience.

The second, far more dangerous, effect is that it threatens to destroy public confidence in all news.

So Fox News is dangerous, eh Rasberry? And excuse me, but when one product clobbers its direct competition, that usually means the public like that product far and above the others. That's why Rasberry feels Fox is dangerous - people love Fox News over the left wing competition.

As for debasing the quality of the news and destroying confidence in all news, MSM have been doing a great job of that for a number of years now. Fox, along with bloggers, have only recently begun to counter the left wing bias. And the people love it, hence Fox's clobbering the competition.

For those that may have missed my recent post on the media faking it, here is a snippet:

Sy Hersh's fudge
AP: The hearings that hadn't started yet
AP and the crowd that didn't boo
Mitch Albom wasn't there
CBS: Rathergate, Obitgate
New Republic: Stephen Glass made it up
USA Today: Jack Kelley made it up
Boston Globe: Fake GI rape photos
Boston Globe again: Patricia Smith made it up; Mike Barnicle made it up
NYT: Jayson Blair wasn't there
WaPo: Janet Cooke wasn't there
And more:
LATimes: The Local Liberty blog points to another possible Jayson Blair in Los Angeles.
LATimes again: Robert Scheer made it up

These are just a few examples. Everyday MSM lie, coverup and fail to accurately report the news. Along comes Fox and starts telling the truth. Since when did telling the truth become dangerous? When it exposed the lying left wing media.

Rasberry, your lying left wing buddies in the press are far more dangerous than Fox.

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Brain Bliss