Earlier this year, Michael Abdelmessih was hired by Manchester Community College (MCC) in Connecticut to teach a noncredit course titled “Understanding Militant Islamic Fundamentalism.” As of last Friday, however, Abdelmessih, a Coptic Christian who holds an MS degree in Political Science from Southern Connecticut State University, is out of a job, replaced by a Muslim professor.
Not a peep from the ACLU. But someone is stepping up to help.
Michael Meunier, president of the Washington, D.C-based U.S. Coptic Association—and who knows Abdelmessih—vowed Abdelmessih "will not walk out of [MCC] without exposing the enormous power Muslim activists are having on the academic freedom we have in the U.S." Meunier’s office is working on the case and he hopes that it can have a coordinated response.
Many terrorists around the world are educated at Western universities. In fact Western universities and the ACLU are just two of the stated strategies in Islam's war plan for the west.
These strategies are being employed here in Britain as well.
HOSTILITY to Jewish students at British universities could escalate this week with moves by academics to boycott Israeli goods and set up links with Palestinian organisations.
Luciana Berger, 23, a close friend of Euan Blair, the prime minister’s son, described last week how she had been forced to resign from the executive committee of the National Union of Students (NUS) after being abused and spat at by left-wing undergraduates and Muslim activists because she is Jewish.
Ah, Islam, the religion of tolerance and peace.
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