Thursday, April 07, 2005

Bloggers And The Media

Bunny points out that some in main stream media are starting to take note of bloggers.

But this Telegraph (UK) article contains this interesting nugget.

Most bloggers carry links to each other and watch other sites carefully, so if a big story breaks during the campaign on an obscure part of the internet, it will be all over the web and picked up by the mainstream media almost immediately.

Well, George, now that just ain't so.

In the US, MSM tried its best to ignore the Swift Vets, Dan Rather and Eason Jordon scandals. Here in the UK and indeed most of the world, MSM ignored the UN oil for food scandal as long as they could.

Even when MSM are forced into reporting on these scandals, more often than not they whitewash the whole affair. The UN oil for food scandal is a prime example of the whitewashing. MSM carried headlines around the world that Volcker's investigation exonerated Koffi Annan. This despite the fact that one of Volcker's three investigators explicitly told The Associated Press they had not exonerated Annan.

"We did not exonerate Kofi Annan," Swiss organized crime expert Mark Pieth, one of Volcker's three investigators, told The Associated Press.

One of the world's largest news organization, The BBC, is one of the worst offenders.

Yes, bloggers are making an impact, but it will be some time before MSM is brought to heel.

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Brain Bliss