Sunday, April 03, 2005

Iraq - Children 'starving' Update

Recently I posted about a BBC article which contained a report from the UN Human Rights Commission which falsely claimed that malnutrition had doubled in Iraqi children to 8% since the war began, when in fact the rate, as reported by the same UN, was 25% before the war.

At the time I pointed out that the commission has some interesting members such as China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia.

The BBC report also contained this tidbit:

Jean Ziegler, a UN specialist on hunger who prepared the report, blamed the worsening situation in Iraq on the war led by coalition forces.

Today we find out that, surprise, surprise, Ziegler is an old-school Communist.

Jean Ziegler is a sociology professor and a radical Swiss politician. An old-school Communist and a media star.

There are two stories here. The failure of the UN and the failure of the BBC.

The BBC are quite happy to report anything that is anti-American without the slightest fact checking. The BBC failed to note:

- the dubious members of the commission

- the earlier UN report that contradicts this latest report

- Ziegler's, who prepared the report, background

And the BBC is suppose to be a world class news organization. Riiiight!

I have emailed the BBC 3 times to no avail in an attempt to get them to either retract the story or at least clarify it.

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Brain Bliss