Obin discusses the attitudes of Muslim students, some as young as first graders. He reports, for instance, that Muslim students, asked their nationality, answer, "Muslim." When they are told that this is not a nationality and they are French, some insist that they can't be French since they are Muslim. This should come as no surprise. The presidential commission that examined the issue of secularism in 2003 reported that "extremist groups are working to test the Republic's strength and push some young people to reject France and her values."
In a comment to that post, Dan left this:
Late last night Channel 4 had a programme called "Shariah TV" (maybe a regular prog, but not seen/noticed before last night).
A panel of learned Muslims were questioned by young UK Muslims.
Is western democracy incompatible with Sharia law? Yes. Proposed solution akin to medieval papacy - i.e. wise men pick ruler who will rule benignly & can be removed if in breach of teachings of Islam.
Should sharia law be introduced in the UK? Yes. Currently pressing for this to apply to marriage, divorce & inheritance.
Do we want the restoration of the Caliphate? Yes. Nobody forced to convert, but expectation that a nation would join caliphacy (have I made up that word?)when Muslims in majority. Non converters would be respected with "special system of law", just like in Medina in 1300 AD.
Is this our future??
No, this is our reality now. The UK has already adopted one Sharia law and is considering adopting another. See here.
Gordon Brown, the chancellor, has already made one significant concession to adapt to the dictates of sharia. In the 2003 Finance Act he spared Muslims from paying stamp duty twice on their properties when they took out “Islamic mortgages” that complied with the sharia ban on paying interest.
THE Inland Revenue is considering recognising polygamy for some religious groups for tax purposes. Officials have agreed to examine “family friendly” representations from Muslims who take up to four wives under sharia, the laws derived from the Koran.
Brown isn't the only one helping to convert the UK to Islam.
Some people believe that the recent court cases involving Muslim women suing schools in order to wear the hijab are women fighting for their rights, when in fact these people are being forced to sue by family and community. In the latest such case in the UK, the Muslim girl involved was represented by none other than Mrs. Blair. Yes, that Mrs. Blair, the prime ministers wife.
Here is a reminder for Mrs. Blair of what her and other women are in for under Muslim rule.
- Forced to wear the hijab, i.e. headscarf
- Forced to marry someone according to the family’s will
- Must undergo excision “procedure”
- Gang rapes for not “respecting” Islam
- Killed by a relative for “dishonoring” the name of the family.
Most Muslim French women who wear the hijab are forced to do so by their family or because of pressure from the community. In many testimonies young women have stated that they were wearing it not to be “bothered” by the men in their community. There were multiple cases in the suburbs of Paris of gang rapes of women who were too “Westernized”.
All of this happens, here, today in the UK and anyone who speaks out against Islam is called racist and suffers from islamaphobia. I'm neither - I'm awake. Are you?
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