Sunday, July 30, 2006

US - Roberts and Alito Misled Us

Hey! Doesn't that sound familiar? Oh, yeah. "Bush misled us into war".

So, Bush, Roberts and Alito "misled" the Democrats. If that's true, boy, the Democrats sure are easily "misled", are they no?

I guess North Korea "misled" the Democrats on their nuclear plans. Al Qaeda must have "misled" them on their plans too. You almost feel sorry for Clinton, having been "misled" my Monica. And I'm guessing Rep. Jefferson was "misled" into his bribery scandal. Of course Hillary was "misled" by her fundraising manager when she raised nearly a million dollars illegally. Oh, let's not forget the Democrats were totally "misled" by the UN in the oil for food scandal.

Why would anyone vote for these people who are so easily "misled"? Do the Democrats ever take responsibility for their own actions?

Somehow, this we were "misled" excuse sounds a lot like my dog ate my homework excuse. Lame.

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Brain Bliss