Saturday, October 06, 2007

UK - BBC's John Simpson admits to BBC "agenda"

John Simpson epitomizes everything that is wrong with the BBC.

"We have popularised our reporting and our agenda: that hasn't worked."

Not so popular then is it John? Tsk tsk, John, the BBC isn't suppose to have an agenda, you're suppose to report the news. Instead you embark upon anti American reporting like this John.

"Once upon a time, we used to think that this kind of isolationism was something particularly American, like high levels of crime, the possession of guns and wide-scale drug addiction. Americans weren't interested much in anything that happened outside their city and state, let alone outside their country, whereas Britons were. "

No, seriously, follow the link, Simpson actually said that. This is the same Simpson and BBC that attack America for any and everything she does outside her borders. Be it stopping genocide in the Bosnian war, terrorism in Afghanistan, deposing Saddam or even helping out in the tsunami relief, the BBC and Simpson were first on the line to criticize America.

But Simpson, like most BBC people, hate Britain as well.

"Now, however, we find that in all of these areas - crime, drugs and isolationism - Britain was merely lagging behind America. It wasn't fundamentally different, after all."

Does Simpson seriously believe that no one in Britain knows that there are British soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq? How is that isolationism? Simpson also fails to mention that a large part of the rise in crime and drugs in this country can be traced to the left's failed policy of "multicultralism" which led to open borders; a policy agenda the BBC pushes.

Next, Simpson doesn't hide the fact that he feels we are all too stupid to just recieve the facts and draw our own conclusions, he brags about it.

"Instead, I feel, we should use the opportunity to return to the original principles outlined by the BBC's founder John Reith: the business of informing and educating people as well as entertaining them. That may not be fashionable, but it's what we know we ought to be doing. Forget the focus groups and even, if necessary, the viewing figures - let's tell people what we think they ought to know. This idea is appallingly elitist, of course, and that alone is probably enough to ensure that it will never be implemented. "

Got that? Simpson says the BBC should tell us what the BBC thinks we should know instead of just giving us the facts. Why yes John, that is appallingly elitist and you're right it shouldn't be implemented. This gives you an insight into the group think at the BBC; and it should send shivers down your back. It doesn't sound so much elitist as Communisim, John.

Simpson then goes on to put the blame on politics, as if. The BBC has no one to blame but itself John. It's the BBC's lies, fabrications and admissions, like yours John, that the BBC is left wing, anti American, full of bias and pushes this "agenda", that are to blame for the BBC's downfall.

Simpson continues his attack on America and decends further into denial.

"Tony Blair told me yesterday that he was in Delhi last week and he turned on the BBC World Service to see what was happening in New Orleans, and he said it was just full of hate at America and gloating about our troubles," Murdoch told the conference.

The reporting which seems to have upset Blair was about the evident failures of the Bush administration to act efficiently or quickly to come to the aid of one of America's major cities.

Some leading figures in America suggested that the President deserved to be impeached for his slowness in responding to the catastrophe. Did Blair really believe that none of this should be reported? "

Are we to belive Simpson that Blair, Prime Minister of Britain, couldn't make up his own mind about the BBC's shameful reporting of the Katrina disaster? Simpson also fails to point out that those "leading figures in America" were the Democrats.

The BBC, in pursuit of its anti American agenda, did all it could to attack, not just Bush, but America. It took us bloggers to expose the lies and bias at the BBC. One BBC reporter was brave enough to look at our evidence and make an attempt to balance the reporting.

Yes, John Simpson epitomizes what's wrong with the BBC today.

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