Monday, May 31, 2004

Arab Report: Iraq Situation Improving

From AP

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Despite war and occupation, Iraq has seen a surge in human rights organizations, political parties and independent newspapers - entities almost unheard of under Saddam Hussein, said a report by an Arab think tank.

Why "despite war and occupation"? How about "becuase of...". And what do you mean "almost unheard" of? Name one human rights organization, political party (besides the Bath party), or independent newspaper under Saddam.

The report by Egypt's Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies welcomed the promise of elections, the freedom of expression and independence of the media but was careful not to credit the Americans for the progress.

No surprise there.

"Even though all indications of political rights and human rights mentioned in this report clearly illustrate that the situation in Iraq after occupation is much better than Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the truth remains that any situation would have been better than Saddam Hussein," the report said.

Yes, but it was the US led coalition that got rid of Saddam so the situation could get better.

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Brain Bliss