Monday, May 31, 2004

More good news from Iraq

From Iraqi Press

Mosul, Iraq Press, May 29, 2004 – Iraq’s only asphalt refinery in Qayara has been rehabilitated after being idle for more than nine years.

The refinery used to supply the bulk of Iraq’s needs of asphalt, a commodity the country urgently needs to maintain and expand its networks of roads and highways.

Built in 1959, the refinery was bombed in 1986 during the war with Iran and had remained idle since.

US army engineers spent half a million dollars to breathe life into the refinery and currently churns out 300 tons of asphalt a day.

The refinery’s director, Mohammed Kadh, said until very recently Iraq imported asphalt from neighboring countries.

“We spent a lot of money and the asphalt we got was of low quality,” he said.

Qayara, south of Mosul, is a major oil center in the area reputed for its heavy crude.

The refinery employs 450 workers from the small town of Qayara, for which the refinery is named.

“Without help from the coalition (US troops) this refinery would have remained shut,” Kadh said.

“We still rely on the coalition engineers who provide all forms of support to our technicians and their efforts to sustain and boost production,” he added.

Day by day things are getting better for the Iraqis.

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Brain Bliss