Sunday, July 24, 2005

Britain - BBC Terrorist Propaganda

Here is the latest terrorists Propaganda piece from the Muslim apologist - the BBC.

Pakistan's top Muslim clerics have said it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to preach the real concept of jihad, or holy war, to young Muslims.

Really? Judging from the Muslim terrorists bombings around the world in the last few weeks, I'd say you're doing a damn fine job of teaching jihad.

"The situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine is radicalising young people," says Mufti Rafi Usmani, one of Pakistan's highest-ranking clerics.

Oh, wise and wonderful Mufti, can you please explain to us infidels, what caused radicalised young Muslims to do this?

Is Britain and America's foreign policy the reason Muslims are ethnically clensing Buddhists in Thailand?

Or, the beheading of Christian preachers Bangladesh?

Or why Muslims burn Christian homes in Pakistan?

Is Britain and America's foreign policy the reason Dutch film-maker Theo van Gogh was shot, stabbed and his head almost cut off?

Or, the reason behind Muslim persecution of other religions?

And we beseech you, oh wise Mufti, what caused Muslims to attack the world trade center in 1993 - 10 years before Iraq!?! Or American embassies in 1998?

And via Instapundit there is "this photo essay on Al Qaeda actions before the Iraq invasion" and "Trey Jackson has the John Howard video."

Pray tell us, oh enlightened one.

Mufti Rafi Usmani heads Darul Uloom Karachi, one of Pakistan's most respected religious schools, or madrassas.

Jihad is not incumbent on all Muslims and a call for jihad can be given only under special circumstances

"Islam does not allow killing of innocent civilians and non-combatants under any circumstances," he said in an interview with the BBC News website.

But wise Mufti, we infidels are confused. We try and understand you Muslims as you bid us to do, but you say one thing while your perfect word of God book, the Koran says something different.

"Whoever kills a human being, except as punishment for murder or other villainy in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all humankind." Militant Muslims easily deploy the clause beginning with "except" to justify their rampages.

Dear Mufti, you neglected to tell your beloved BBC about the "except" part. Naughty, naughty.

And what's this about "innocent civilians and non-combatants"?

From Egypt we learn:

Hani Al-Siba’i, an Egyptian-born academic, described the attacks that killed at least 55 people as “a great victory” that rubbed the noses of G8 countries in the mud. When asked about the killings of civilians by Islamists in Iraq, he denied that victims could be divided into combatants and non-combatants. “The term civilian does not exist in Islamic religious law. There is no such term as civilians in the western sense. People are either of Dar al Harb [literally, house of hostility, meaning any non-Islamic government] or not.”

Of course since Muslims teach lying is a means to and end, that would explain a lot.

Al-Ghazzali, "the famous 11th-century Muslim theologian, claimed that the lie is not wrong in itself. If the lie is the way to achieve good results, then it is permissible. It is necessary to lie when the truth might lead to unpleasant or undesired results,"

And the good results desired is for Islam to rule the world.

As usual, the Muftis play the victim card and procalim it is our fault because we don't understand.

"The West, they say, must seek a resolution of all the conflicts involving the Muslim world and hit at the root causes that have spawned terrorism all over the world."

You mean like shutting down Muslim bookstores selling books and DVDs advocating terrorism?

A selection of disturbing literature is available from the Maktabah bookshop in Birmingham. One book, by a British Mujahid describing his guerrilla warfare in Kashmir, says that “terror works and that is why the believers are commanded to enforce it by Allah”.

The Maktabah shop owner, who declined to be named, said: “The books you have highlighted are easily available at 90 per cent of Islamic bookshops around the country.[...]

And do you mean we should deport the Imam's of hate, shut down the madrasas and stop mosques from preaching hate?

While we are doing all of this, what will you be doing, oh wise Mufti? Reforming the Koran and Islam, perhaps?

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Brain Bliss