Monday, July 25, 2005

Islam - Tough Questions for Muslims

One Muslim asks some tough questions of herself and that's refreshing but her answers leave a lot to be desired and are disturbing.

But most of all, the London bombings rid me of all patience with the excuse that "George Bush [or Tony Blair or take your pick of Western leaders] made me do it." We don't know who was behind Thursday's explosions, but an Arab analyst told a satellite channel that if Blair hadn't learned the mistake of the Iraq war, these new attacks were a firm reminder.

Yes, WE do. Mona was writing a good article up until this point. Why the denial that British Muslims were behind the terrorists attacks? And why does she refer to them in the classic BBC way as merely "explosions" instead of Muslim terrorist attacks? Clearly "The July 7 London bombings did it for me" statement is a bit overblown Mona. If you had said "The July 7 London terrorist attacks by British Muslims did it for me", I would be more understanding. The fact that you didn't shows that you, and probably most Muslims have a long way to go.

"It is at least in some way bigoted to think that Muslims can only react violently."

Not if you can prove it.

Muslims are ethnically cleansing Buddhists in Thailand.

Muslims are beheading Christian preachers Bangladesh.

Muslims burn Christian homes in Pakistan.

It was Muslims who murdered Dutch film-maker Theo van Gogh who was shot, stabbed and his head almost cut off for criticizing Islam.

Muslim's persecute all other religions.

These are just but a few examples of Muslim violence against us infidels committed by Muslims around the world everyday.

Muslims preach hate and intolerance everyday in their mosques. Literature found in American and Australian Mosques advocated violence against Christians, Jews and homosexuals. As you said yourself Mona, Islam does not mean peace, it "actually means submission".

Your use of the bigot card is just another attempt to portray Muslims as the victims. Sorry, I don't buy it. Reading Mona further shows why you shouldn't either.

We all must ask a host of difficult questions. How about beginning by acknowledging once and for all that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a Muslim issue? It is a dispute over land that too many clerics and religious leaders, radical or otherwise, use to flesh out the victimized-Muslim scenario

Here Mona is asking you not to believe what the Koran, Muslims most perfect word of God book, says. The Koran tells Muslims to convert or kill the unbelievers where ever you find them. The Koran also tells Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as friends. No Mona, how about beginning by having Muslims admit that the Israeli-Palestinian is decidedly an Islamic problem, specifically a Koran problem? Then maybe we can get somewhere.

But rather than dwelling endlessly on these issues, we would do well to spend time encouraging our young people to become more active members of their communities and to not live caught between two worlds: a Muslim one at home and in the mosque, an "infidel" one outside.

Tell it to the Palestinians who raise their kids to hate Jews and become suicide bombers. We did not create those two worlds - Muslims did. Reform your Koran so it doesn't teach hate and intolerance.

The fact that Mona is asking these questions is refreshing, the answers however, are disturbing.

Islam is not being hijacked by a few militants or radicals; Muslims such as Mona are the radicals for daring to ask questions. Muslim violence and terrorism will not end until Islam is reformed. When Muslims start that process we will know we are on the road to victory in the war on terror.


Add this to the list of Muslim violence against Christians, Mona.

Christians face jail for giving treats to children of Muslims

And from the same article:

About 10,000 Christians were killed in Indonesia between 1998 and 2003 and about 1,000 churches were burnt down by Muslim mobs, according to campaigners. Although religious conflict has eased in recent years campaigners say that about 100 churches have been closed down in the past five years in West Java.

Please note that those 10,000 Christians killed were killed before Iraq.

Who's the bigot here Mona?

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Brain Bliss