Monday, January 10, 2005

CBS Rathergate report released

You can read the report in PDF format here.

I haven't read all the comments on it yet but a few things stand out so far.

CBS and Dan Rather still do not admit the documents were forged. In fact:

Rather informed the Panel that he still believes the content of the documents is true because “the facts are right on the money,” and that no one had provided persuasive evidence that the documents were not authentic.

CBS's new journalistic standards, "fake but accurate".

CBS does not admit that the whole scandal was a political attack on Bush in an attempt to derail his re-election.

Those two items are the heart of the whole affair.

Here are some links to some good comments on the report so far.


Powerline doesn't have any comment up yet but expect theirs to be sharp.

Now, if I could just get these guys to take on the BBC and the Guardian. I'll give Powerline their due, they have reported on two recent BBC itmes. We need more, much more.

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Brain Bliss